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Low Purins


Reducing uric acid in the body seems difficult to me.
Are the any suggestions of what easy food one is able to eat?
Eg. Feta, garlic, turmeric and olive oil.
Just want a simple meal to focus on to loose.
Would appreciate someones knowledge.
Anything I like seems to be tabu.
I can go plain Jane if need be. Please.

  Diane Replied:

My husband has to watch his uric acid due to gout and that is hard because some foods both him more than others. Lately he has done meat (chicken and fish) and salads, spaghetti squash, summer squash, green beans. He does eat a lot of cheese as well. Along with his gout, he had type 2 diabetes and eating the above and cutting out any processed foods/and a majority of carbs, he came off his meds and his blood sugar is totally under control.

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