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User Competition: Weekly Weight Loss - 02/08/2020 Results

Time Out (Alex)

This thread is for discussion about the user competition: Weekly Weight Loss - 02/08/2020 Results - which runs from 02/01/2020 through 02/08/2020.

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

I'm starting the week at 182.6
I would love to lose over 2 lbs., however I'm still fighting my cold.

What are your goals this week.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I would like to lose 2 pounds. Or 3. LOL

  Thulz💕 Replied:

I'm starting at 299.9

2 weeks ago I set a goal of 3.6 and lost 3.7 and last week I set 2 and lost 2. So I'm wondering what would happen if I set a slightly bigger goal for this week... I need to work on my inner saboteur because as I type this I hear her protesting.

OK my goal is 4.9 lbs this week. I wanna put some distance between me and 300.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

Somehow I managed to wake up with a 1 pound gain. Not sure how that is even physically possible.

  deb Replied:

My husband told me yesterday that for every pint of liquid you consume, it equals 1 pound! Do with that what you may! Ha! (I guess that's if you don't pee)!

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:


  Ladybug Replied:

Lyn, did you eat any salty items? That's what happened to me on Saturday. It was a result of the salty ham sandwich and chips that I ate on Friday. Hopefully, the pound will fall off on Monday as I've stayed about from salty food over the weekend.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

No salt, nothing processed, all whole plant foods. I don't get it. I do know my hormones are out of whack as I am teetering on the edge of menopause. That is all I can think of.

  Ladybug Replied:

Wow. I lost the salty pound that popped up on Saturday morning plus an additional 1/2 pound!! Now to just keep it going down!

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

Watch out ladies I lost a whole 2 oz! I'm in it! Just kidding!

Feeling a little better, no exercise yet. I might do a very light walk today or tomorrow, I don't want to go backwards.

Good luck ladies. Maybe tomorrow I will be another 2 oz lighter!

By the way Deb, I going with your husbands theory!

  Thulz💕 Replied:

Midweek check in
For some reason I have chosen to not follow my system. I can blame the fact that it's so busy at work and I worked the past weekend so did not have time to plan properly. While that is true it is not the complete version of the truth.
The truth is my plan is designed for re-engagement every single day and I have the absolute power to turn things around anytime.
So for now I will just own up to the truth that for now I have been saying yes to unplanned indulgences and no to this week's goals and at any moment I can choose differently...this does not mean I need to write off the entire week .

  Lyn💛 Replied:

I know for me it is hard to understand why I do the things I do at times. You are aware and that means everything. You'll get back to your groove!

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

I agree you don't have to write off the entire week.

I know for me, I finally worked out again today after 8 days of nothing. It was easy to say well it's already Wednesday, but then I realized I would only be hurting myself. So I went on the Treadmill and had a decent exercise.

I like that you are honest with yourself. You could have just kept on making excuses, however you are owning up to it and that is awesome. Good job on that.

  Thulz💕 Replied:

Thanks so much ladies!

Great pattern-interrupt Alex. We are gonna have to keep practicing these redirects because just having the desire to make change does not automatically make old habits disappear.

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

So I woke up with a gain today and was up to 184. I don't know what happened. I do keep going to the bathroom to pee, so I feel like I'm retaining for some stupid reason. You know as I type this I think it might have been from the deli ham sandwich I had yesterday. I wanted something quick. I actually didn't over eat, so I'm thinking that's it.

Maybe tomorrow I will wake up with this 2 pound loss. Very aggravating to gain 2 pounds overnight.

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

How did everybody do? I lost the weight I gained yesterday and last week, however I have not lost any weight at all in a few weeks. I'm now at 182.2 and a few weeks ago I was at 180.2. So even though it says I lost a little, I technically have gained 2 lbs.

I'm hoping Monday I can get back into my exercise. I started this week and then I started feeling sick again. I feel better again, however 2 of my kids have had fevers and stayed home from school. So I think my body is on over drive of trying not to catch what they have now.

I'm really hoping for a better week coming up.

  Lyn💛 Replied:

My weight is up, I am frustrated, I will not give up.

  Time Out (Alex) Replied:

We will not give up Lyn! Next week we will break this cycle.

  Ladybug Replied:

I did good this week! Although the contest said I lost 2.7, I technically lost 1.7. One pound was the weight I gained the prior Saturday from the salty ham lunch meat but finally came off on Monday. The scale number is going down so I'm happy!!

  Thulz💕 Replied:

Congrats Ladybug! Progress is progress and you ended on a net loss so that's a win

We've got this ladies - giving up is not an option
I ended up writing off the entire week and gaining 1.5 but I'm not sad about it because I gained way less than I deserved. LOL!

  Lyn💛 Replied:

No giving up!

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.