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User Competition: Weekly Weight Loss = Results 08/21/2021

Time Out (Alex) πŸ’‹

This thread is for discussion about the user competition: Weekly Weight Loss = Results 08/21/2021 - which runs from 08/14/2021 through 08/21/2021.

  Time Out (Alex) πŸ’‹ Replied:

New week.

My goal this week is a 2lbs loss. It's going to be hard, because I'm getting my period mid to late week and I usually gain. I'm going to be positive and try for a 2lbs loss!

  Time Out (Alex) πŸ’‹ Replied:

What are your goals?

  Daisy Replied:

I started quite strong in June but all through July and now August I just can't commit myself at all. I've just been yoyo'ing up and down 7lb off 7lb on 7lb off 7lb on.
I NEED motivation. You'd think poor health would be a great motivator but I just keep slipping up and saying I'll start again tomorrow. Totally fed up.

  ThulzπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Replied:

Uggh Daisy I'm with you on that one. I've pretty much been doing the same yo-yoing around the same 7lbs as well.
My goal this week is pretty much unwinding the recent gain

Then next week I'll work on getting to new territory...I need to get below 335 lbs because that's where I seem to keep bouncing back and then I must quickly breakthru below 330 by the end of the month otherwise, I'll still be here writing like this next month

  Jeanne- CE! Replied:

Times are tough everywhere for motivation these days. I am mostly doing it anyway, knowing I will feel so much worse if I don't-- but have been a bit lackluster.

  ThulzπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Replied:

That's really the key indeed Jeanne - doing it unmotivated!

I pretty much avoid the word "motivation" now coz she is a really fickle one and should not be relied on!

  Time Out (Alex) πŸ’‹ Replied:

I know we all have a different motivation reason and we all look at things differently.

One thing that has helped me a lot is, I picture myself with all the weight loss and how happy and proud I will be that I stuck to it and that usually encourages me to keep going. It's pretty much the reason why I've lost the weight this year.

  ThulzπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Replied:

I looove these discussions!
So this is the way I see it...and I know this is just an academic thing but I also love it when we discuss these things as I learn so much from different points of view

You have Focus. You have Attention. And you have a Compelling Reason/s

Visualization like you've described here Alex keeps your goal front and centre (focus and attention)

Motivation is that Ra-Ra feeling we have...normally after setting a new shiny plan that we have not followed thru on, or when a new month starts or a fresh Monday. All before we've really done any work. And then it fizzles out by Wednesday because now we realise we actually have to put in the work or it's hard or the results aren't coming out as fast

A compelling reason can sometimes feel like a Friday're excited to get thru the day and wrap the weekend up.
And it can also be like a Monday morning on a Winter's day when you have to get up for work after you spent Sunday night watching Netflix. You don't feel motivated to get up and just CRUSH the day. But you remember WHY you have to get up. So you wake up and get to work...unmotivated.

So to me motivation is that "Do I feel like it?" feeling. Compelling Reason is that "Remember Why You started" feeling and I think that's what you both described...picturing your future self or knowing how worse you'll feel if you don't do it

LOL can anyone tell I'm avoiding my actual job at the moment with these long posts hehehe...

  Time Out (Alex) πŸ’‹ Replied:

Thulz - I'm at work too! I never take lunch, these are my little breaks.

You are right. So many times, I would try to make the excuse to not get up at 5 am and then I would picture myself not making my goal and how upset I would feel. I have a calendar in the gym and I have a goal weight for the beginning of the month and then I write the actual. It keeps me very aware of what my goal is and how I'm progressing. For example August 1st goal was 151, but my actual was 153. It was the first month I didn't make my goal, so I've been working a little harder so that I start September at 146 (goal). These are goals written with a dry eraser marker and calendar. It's right next to my Treadmill and I usually look at it when I'm on it! Basically I'm my own Cheerleader!

I think it's whatever keeps you going, some people might think I'm nuts, but it works for me. It has to click, and it clicked. It's not fancy, it's simple and I picture that calendar when I eat too! Most of my meals (99%) are planned for the day, that is truly what keeps me in line.

  ThulzπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Replied:

I love everything you said here!

It has to click...that's Gold!

I'm happy to report that after losing 6.6 lbs I've now finally unwinded all of my gain and am now in weight loss territory
For sure showing up here either on my blog or on the message board is one of the things that help keep me from drifting.

  Lynβ€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ Replied:

I've had a lot going on (no different than everyone else, I know) and have been off kilter for a while now. Not crazy off track or anything, it really isn't an option since I don't buy chips or junk food anymore, but not exercising, not sleeping well and just a general feeling of off-ness. I'm working on it though! I did well yesterday, stepped on the yoga mat and did the elliptical and those things really do help me mentally as much as anything.

  Time Out (Alex) πŸ’‹ Replied:

I agree with you Lyn, that the mental part of exercise is key. It's so good for you mentally and then your body will appreciate it too!

Hope life settles down for you soon.

The opinions expressed on this forum may not represent the opinions of Please consult your physician to determine the weight, nutrition and exercise levels that are best for you.