Friends with the Scale

It's early in the morning, and you've gone to the bathroom and brushed your teeth. Now you step on the scale and smile as you note the number.
Smile? Are you kidding me? If you're like most dieters, that daily weigh-in is usually an awful moment.
But wouldn't it be great if the scale didn't have any power over your day? What if you felt happy and motivated every morning, regardless of what the scale said? I'd like to help you make that a reality.
By the end of this program, I'm confident you'll have left your scale anger and frustration behind. You'll also have figured out how to view your scale as a friend instead of an enemy. And that subtle change will drastically change your weight-management efforts... forever!
• Confused about whether to keep your scale or get rid of it entirely? Take the scale quiz and permanently settle this question.
• Afraid to step on the scale after holidays or vacations? Use the three-day rule to avoid panicking over a scale reading that's not accurate.
• Avoiding the doctor's office because you'll have to get weighed? Pull out the magic response that allows you to skip getting on the scale almost every time.
It's time to change your negative patterns around the scale. Let this program be your guide to building a friendship that will change your morning weigh-in ritual into one of the most positive moments of your day.
Linda Spangle, RN, MA, is a weight-loss coach and the author of Friends with the Scale. The text of the program, Friends with the Scale by Linda Spangle, RN, MA is made available through an exclusive licensing agreement with the author. This content may not be reproduced, sold or redistributed without express written permission of the author. Learn More